Using social media to increase the growth of your business is fun and exciting but it can also be a little overwhelming considering the amount of online resources that are available to help you get started.
To make it a little easier for you we have jotted down a few tips that we have found helpful at Fish Tank Creative.
Post at the right time
The most effective times to upload content to your social media is between the hours of 6am – 8am and then again in the afternoon at 2pm – 5pm.
Although its important to know who your audience is and when they will be using social media. Once you have determined this you should aim to schedule your posts around those times.
Create relevant content
If you can post information that is current and relevant to your customer, you’ll give your audience a reason to read your posts and from there visit your website.
Social media updates can consist of pretty much anything that will engage your audience. Try posting about local news, images, status updates on your company and its latest projects, local events and even jokes!
Post regularly
Your audience wants regular updates and that’s what will keep them coming back.
Different social media platforms suggest a different posting frequencies. Posting on Facebook should be limited to 2-3 times a day, 7 days a week where as LinkedIn should be cut down to once a day and only on weekdays.
Develop a consistent style
Use a consistent style for your posts to create a voice for your business. If it helps create a basic style guide and keep the language style the same to develop an online personality.
Connect with others
Further define your company’s personality by connecting with relevant groups to determine how you want to be seen. Also interacting with your audience is always appreciated. Reply to both positive and negative comments, acknowledge their status updates and provide advice when appropriate.