your path to seo success

Your path to SEO success

your path to seo success

Want to make your brand more visible on Google? Here are some tips to help you improve your search engine ranking so you no longer feel invisible.

No matter what you do, never sacrifice good writing for Search Engine Optimisation (SEO). Quality content drives search engine rankings and the best websites are written for the user and not for the search engine. Rule of thumb: make a site you would want to visit and write it the way you (and other humans) would want to read it.

#1 Keywords are Key

Google relies on keywords to establish who you are and how to connect you to the World Wide Web.

Keywords should be thought of as the words someone is most likely to type into a search engine to find your content. To stand out, it’s important you place your keywords should somewhere in your content, preferably in the first paragraph, so that they appear.  Again, try here to speak like a human and use words that you believe humans are most likely to use when they are searching for a page about your topic.  

One thing to be mindful of with Google is that it looks for how often your keywords pop up. However, it’s less about quantity and more about quality, so don’t try to trick the search engine by repeating the same word over and over again. By creating quality content specifically for your intended user your site traffic will organically increase.

#2 Stay Fresh and Remember to Refresh

Updating your content on a regular basis is viewed by Google as one of the best indicators of relevance for a website.

#3 Be Link-worthy

Google looks at the words you use in links to help determine the content of your page. Using links within your website will help to emphasise keywords. So, rather than having “click here”, try writing out the name of the destination as “click here” has no search engine value.

#4 Start Socialising

If you want to achieve higher recognition and boost your brand, you need to socialise with your audience. Social media is great for this. You may find that a great deal of your traffic comes from social platforms, so it would be wise to make sure your content is “social friendly”.

In addition to this, social platforms will allow you to understand where your target audience is and therefore help you build a stronger presence.

#5 Mobile Friendly means Google Friendly

As more and more people are using their phones to search for content, it would be wise to make your content mobile-friendly for the sake of good user experience. In saying this, you will also want to do this for the sake of search, as Google has indicated that mobile-friendliness is a Google ranking signal. This also includes being wary of pop-up penalties.

#6 Make Friends with the Top Dogs

Work hard to make connections in your field as this will help you spread your business’s message and vision. Once you know which companies you want to befriend, follow and like them on social media and even engage with their content to help boost your brand’s awareness.

We hope these tips put you on the right SEO path.

With SEO there are no guarantees or quick schemes. SEO is highly technical and complex, but at its heart lies the philosophy that Google wants to highlight the most relevant search matches to each user when they go searching. So, remember this;

Google determines relevance by;

    • Seeing how many people visit your site
    • The content published on your pages
  • The websites that are linking to yours

If you need help optimising your status with Google, please get in contact with us at Merryn Bourne Creative.

Our team of communication specialists will help your brand’s voice sing loud and clear.


A guide to Google pop-up penalties


With mobile devices expected to exceed 60 percent of total web traffic by the end of the year, it’s no surprise that the search engine giant is trying to make the Internet a more mobile-friendly place. With smartphone screens averaging around five inches, pop-up adverts can lead to a particularly frustrating browsing experience on many devices. That’s why, starting in 2017, Google will push for complete mobile accessibility on websites by flagging out pages with pop-ups they deem too intrusive for mobile browsing.

What kind of Pop-ups will be flagged?

  • Pop-ups that need to be closed before the user can access the content.
  • Pop-ups that cover the main content of the page when the user first opens a link or after some browsing.
  • Pop-ups that mimic the site’s above-the-fold content while pushing the actual content below the fold.

What do the penalties mean for me?
Keeping any of the above pop-ups on your website will put you at risk of dropping down in Google search rankings, which make up close to two-thirds of the search engine market, according to comScore. This has the potential to hinder your site’s reach, and in turn, the overall success of your business.

Why mobile-optimisation?
Google’s commitment to mobile-optimisation is proof of just how important it is to ensure users have a positive browsing experience on portable devices. It’s important to consider that a mobile-friendly site will not only help you to avoid Google penalties but will also improve users’ browsing experiences, helping to boost your overall conversion rate.

What makes a site mobile friendly?

  • Compatibility with iPhones, Androids, Blackberries and tablets
  • Content that downloads quickly
  • Information that is simple and easy to navigate
  • Clickable links that make it easy to get in touch with you

Merryn Bourne Creative is Brand and Communications Agency. We create beautiful mobile responsive websites that are SEO ready, as part of our client’s overall strategy. If you’re concerned about how Google penalties might affect your website, contact us.