supercharge your ads with facebook pixel

How to Supercharge Your Ads with the New Facebook Pixel

supercharge your ads with facebook pixel

What’s a Facebook pixel?

A Facebook pixel is a small piece of coding that allows you to track and optimise your ads, helping build targeted audiences for future campaigns.

What’s new?

Released early this year, Facebook’s new pixel is easier to use and track. By integrating two separate pixels, Custom Audiences and Conversation Tracking into one, Facebook has streamlined its system, offering improvements to its functions:


Conversation tracking

Track the actions of web visitors from your Facebook ad and monitor how they interact with your website. For example; are they buying more from desktop or mobile? How often do they drop out at your payment page? Use this to make necessary improvements.

Optimising ads for conversion

Improve the quality and targeting of your ads, boosting their overall effectiveness. Use the data provided to ensure your ads are being seen by the customers most likely to take your desired action.

Building custom audiences

Facebook can help find optimal audiences for your ads based on people’s interests, likes and demographics.

You can also expect other benefits like faster loading, improved website SEO and the capability to track multiple events.

How to get started

Create the pixel and add it to your website. Find the ‘Pixels’ tab under ‘Ads Manager’ on Facebook. Click ‘Create a Pixel,’ give it a name and accept the terms. Next, paste the pixel code into the header of your website and check the status is active by clicking ‘Send Text Traffic’. This code will then send data back to Facebook, allowing you to better measure your activity. For more info about setting up your pixel, see Facebook’s guide.

How to start tracking the events that matter to you:

Once you’ve set up your pixel, you can start adding events, which allow you to customise and track the actions people take on your website. To do this, find the ‘Pixels’ tab in your ‘Ads Manager’ on Facebook, click ‘Install Events’. Choose the events you’d like to track – for example, when people make a purchase, make a search, view certain content or sign up for registration. Next, assign whether you track these on ‘Page Load’ (when someone lands on a page) or on ‘Inline Action’ (when someone clicks something) and select any additional parameters you’d like to measure. Copy and paste to your site and enjoy the benefits of improved ads!

Merryn Bourne Creative can help you optimise the way you produce, measure and track your advertising with the new Facebook pixel. Contact us today.